2020 Pinewood Derby National Championships and SCOUT Championships
Pinewood Derby® racing is a huge event for many different organizations all over the Country with hundreds of thousands of cars being raced each year. The competition is fierce but there has always been something missing… a race to crown a National Champion and a National SCOUT Champion! The leaders in the industry,
Pinewoodderbyonline.com and
DerbyDad4Hire have stepped up to bring you the 11th annual official National Pinewood Championship race to find the best of the best. There will be 6
different classes to choose from that will accommodate nearly any Pinewood Derby® car ever built. This is the climax to the Pinewood Derby season!
2020 Race In Salt Lake City!
The 2020 Pinewood Derby National Championships will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah.
MAY 22nd and 23rd, come live or send your cars in to be raced by proxy!
The biggest challenge of holding a National event is getting the best together in one location. EVERYONE is welcome to come race! If you can’t make it live you can send your car to be raced by proxy. Your cars will be handled by experienced Pinewood Derby® professionals to ensure the safety of your Pinewood Derby® car. If you are unsure how to mail them safely
click here for a simple, safe and affordable method.
Race held live at The Ute Conference Headquarters

Make your reservations now! This is a 1st class venue to hold a Pinewood Derby race! Come enjoy a great weekend of pinewood derby racing and fun.
The pinewood derby race will be held at: (DO NOT MAIL PROXY CARS TO THIS ADDRESS!!!!)
The Ute Conference
3550 S Main St
South Salt Lake City, UT 84115
All proxy cars m
ust be received by THURSDAY MAY 21st!!!!
Mail all proxy cars to:
3882 Barton Creek Dr
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
The race will be held on a
state of the art 4 lane 63′ Best Track with a custom roller bearing starting gate system and custom stop section to ensure a consistent fair race for all entrants.
Pinewood Derby® is a registered trademark of the Boy Scouts of America. This National Championship is not affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America.